What Is Hemorrhoids ?

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What Is Hemorrhoids ?

The last part of the large intestine, called the anus, or the breech region of the swelling or growth of the veins is called hemorrhoids. The veins in the Anal canal droop and sometimes become trapped and bleed. As time goes on, these balls can move out of the breech.

This disease is divided into internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids usually pass painlessly while external hemorrhoids can pass quite painful. Sometimes a clot sits in the enlarged vessels, resulting in severe pain, swelling and redness. Internal hemorrhoids are evaluated according to four different stages.

Stages of Hemorrhoids;

  • Stage 1 : 

hemorrhoid hemorrhage manifests itself with. Small hemorrhages, toilet paper dirty or sometimes in the form of drops. At this stage, hemorrhoids do not sag. However, it is seen with rectoscopy.

  • Stage 2 : 

hemorrhoids dangle out with defecation and then go back spontaneously.

  • Stage 3 : 

hemorrhoid breasts are now out of the anus. They can only be pushed back to the anus by pushing the finger. Edema occurs very often and they cause pain.

  • Stage 4 : 

The stage in which hemorrhoids dangle out of the anus. Breasts are usually large and wet. Among the complaints are the contamination of the underwear due to the inability to clean fully after a large ablution and pain may occur while sitting.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

Common symptoms;

  • Pain or burning sensation during defecation
  • Rectal bleeding (fresh red bleeding from the anus))
  • A feeling of swelling, discharge or wetness in the breech
  • Itch
  • Irregularity in defecation

What is the Treatment?

Treatment primarily aims to regulate bowel movements. If you have problems such as constipation or diarrhea that occur constantly, the causes leading to this should be found and resolved first. Hemorrhoid cream or medicine should not be used without a definitive diagnosis of hemorrhoids by a specialist.

More like L. and 2. Stage IIIA treatment is drug and cream treatment. The cream is often used to prevent pain, swelling, and burning. In addition, a cream containing a small amount of nitroglycerin can be massaged into the problem area to reduce pain and burning.

These creams can relax the breech muscles. However, the creams used are heavy creams. It should not be taken in large quantities.


The treatment for hemorrhoids is to sit in a tub of warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes after defecation. In this method called sitz bath, disinfectant can be used. And relaxation is provided. Then the breech is dried with a paper towel.

Another treatment is sclerotherapy. In this method, which is also used as needle or injection therapy, some substances are injected into the problem area. This method tries to eliminate sagging. The method applied without anesthesia is painless and short-term.

This is a treatment that can be used to treat the disease. In this method, a rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid breast and the breast is left to rot. These are open and non-surgical treatment methods.

The Most Effective Treatment Method:

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoids can be treated with conventional surgery, that is, surgery, depending on the development of the disease. Hemorrhoid surgery, which is more preferred in 3rd and 4th stage hemorrhoids, is performed under general anesthesia or regional anesthesia with special devices.

Laser treatment can also be applied for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the 3rd region. In this method, the operation time is very short and painless after the operation. It is the most effective treatment for the disease. And the probability of recurrence of the disease after surgery is lower.

How Does it Pass and What are The Factors That Trigger The Disease?

A diet consisting mainly of pulpy foods is recommended. However, it is very important to follow this diet together with other applications under the supervision of a doctor. The main reason is sometimes errors in defecation. The excretory system of our body has a natural order.

If you delay or suppress the natural urge to defecate in the morning, if you force yourself to defecate outside of your natural routine at any other time, you will trigger the disease.

In addition, digestive problems such as persistent constipation or diarrhea can also lead to this disease. It is generally recommended to drink plenty of water for a healthy life. Drinking plenty of water is essential for not catching hemorrhoids and for regular bowel movements.

You need to pay attention to the foods you eat. Because it increases your chances of experiencing a problem such as constipation in your digestive system. As with many other diseases, it is important to get enough fiber from food.


A life of irregular physical activity can also be the cause of the disease. In other words, too much physical activity or no physical activity at all, sitting for a long time can cause this disease. For this reason, regular sports are necessary in the treatment of every disease and in the maintenance of a healthy life.

It is important that you continue to do a sport that suits you, or at least incorporate regular walking into your life, and has a significant effect on the treatment of many diseases.

On the other hand, women can get this disease during pregnancy and after birth. People in professions such as driving and piloting should be especially careful about their gut health. Exercise should not be neglected and fiber and pulp foods should be included in the diet. Drinking alcohol can also cause hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Can Be A Precursor To Different Diseases!

Another important issue for hemorrhoids is whether there are any tumors under the disease. Hemorrhoids can be a precursor to large bowel cancer. Therefore, if you have symptoms such as blood coming from your anus and if you have severe pain, you should consult a fully equipped hospital.

You should not take any cream or medication other than the advice of your doctor. The disease can only be diagnosed as a result of a rectoscopic or colonoscopic examination. You should not delay seeing a doctor, especially if it is a sign of a more serious disease, such as a tumor.


Early detection is vital in the treatment of every disease. You should take care of your life for hemorrhoids, which are very difficult to live, and sometimes cause difficulty even in sitting up, and you should take care to eat healthy and lead a physically active life. This disease can even prevent you from walking over time.

Although surgery may be possible if it progresses and reaches more serious dimensions, the problems you will likely experience after the surgery may cause you a very difficult time.

Therefore, when the disease begins to show its first symptoms, you should contact the doctor immediately without suffering pain for a long time and have the necessary examinations done. For these examinations, it is necessary to refer to a fully equipped hospital and consult the general surgery department.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What İs İnternal And External Hemorrhoids, What Are The Differences Between The Two?

The hemorrhoid tissue on the inner side of the Anus (breech) is called the inner, while those on the outer edge of the anus are called external hemorrhoids. They are basically the same tissue except that they are in two different places.

  • Hemorrhoids Used To Be More Common İn Older People. But Now İt İs Also Seen İn Young People. Do Changing Living Conditions Trigger The Emergence Of This Disease?

Eating habits change in our society, more ready and fast food consumption, more desk work done, less Sports done and weight gain both before the emergence of the disease attracts, as well as increases.

  • What Age İs İt Seen More?

The disease can be seen at almost any age, but it occurs more often after the age of Forties.

  • A Common Problem?

About half of the adult population of our society experiences hemorrhoid-related discomfort at some point in its life.

  • Is Hemorrhoids Seen İn People Who Consume Bitter And Spicy Food?

Excessive use of spices affects the hemorrhoid tissue as it affects the stool and can trigger complaints.

  • Who İs At Risk?

People with persistent constipation, people who push and toilet for a long time, and people who are overweight have the biggest reservations.

  • Does Hemorrhoids Have A Genetic Effect?

In some families, varicose veins and hemorrhoid disease can be seen more often because of the inherited characteristic of the vascular wall.

  • Can Hemorrhoids Be Confused With Another Disease?

Symptoms of hemorrhoid disease may be mixed with colon cancer, inflammatory diseases of the large intestine (colitis) and some other diseases of the breech region.

  • What Are The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

The most common complaints are pain, bleeding, sagging, itching and swelling of the breasts.

  • Why Do You Need To Consult A Specialist For Hemorrhoids?

When these symptoms increase or become permanent, if the person’s quality of life deteriorates, a general surgery specialist should be consulted.

  • Is İt More Common İn Women Or Men?

Both sexes are seen in equal proportion.

  • Can We Diagnose İt Ourselves?

If the hemorrhoid breast is outside and swollen, it is sufficient for diagnosis. However, it cannot be confirmed that complaints (especially bleeding) are caused only by hemorrhoids without being examined by a general surgery specialist.

  • How İs İt Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made by a general surgeon’s examination and endoscopic examination (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy). “Endoscopic examination” is the name given to the examination of the internal hemorrhoid tissue and the entire intestine if necessary without hurting the patient with a thin, curlable device with light at the tip.

  • How Long Will İt Take To Be Diagnosed?

The examination is a very simple and short procedure. It takes a few minutes at most. Endoscopic examination after the necessary bowel cleaning is between 5 and 20 minutes depending on the examination of the whole or part of the intestine.

  • Does Surgical Treatment Provide A Definitive Solution?

A 100% guaranteed solution can never be expected in surgical procedures. However, the most permanent and close solution is of course surgical intervention.

  • When İs Surgery Needed?

Surgery is recommended, especially in stage 2 and above hemorrhoid disease, in cases that impair the quality of life of the person and in case of drug response is unresponsive or recurring complaints after stopping the drug.

  • Does Hemorrhoids Repeat?

Necessary precautions regarding excessive constipation are not taken after the treatment, if the patient is constantly straining, gaining excess weight in a short time or during pregnancy, the disease may recur.

  • Do Creams Or Drugs Pass Hemorrhoids?

Cream and medication treatment may reduce the symptoms or pass for a short time, but it does not provide permanent solution especially for stage 2 and above.

  • Are There Alternative Solutions?

Since it is a very old and very common disease, there are many treatment methods developed. In addition to accepted medical practices, we observe that many methods have been tried, but these unconscious treatment attempts often have undesirable results that further impair the patient’s quality of life.

  • Is There A Risk Of Turning İnto Cancer İn Very Advanced Cases?

Cancer at the cellular level has not been reported in hemorrhoids disease.

  • Who Needs Surgery?

Patients with frequent complaints caused by hemorrhoid disease, recurrent complaints despite drug use, and a marked deterioration in life level are recommended to have surgery.

  • Does A Patient With A Second Degree Hemorrhoid Necessarily Have To Resort To The Surgical Method, Like A Third And Fourth Stage Hemorrhoid?

In the second stage, if the complaints are not frequent, relief can be achieved by using medication.

  • Can Patients Be Complained Of Anemia Due To Frequent Bleeding İn Hemorrhoids?

If there is persistent bleeding, it can cause very serious anemia, although it does not bleed every time.

  • What İs Laser Therapy İn Hemorrhoids?

Laser therapy is actually an etching method in hemorrhoids. It can be used in stage 1 and hemorrhoid disease where bleeding is at the forefront.

  • Does Laser Therapy Provide A Definitive Solution?

Laser treatment does not provide a definitive solution in hemorrhoid disease.

  • What Are The Differences Between Laser And Surgical Treatment Methods?

In surgical methods, the hemorrhoid nipple is removed or hung up. In laser treatment, the tissue is etched with the heat damage caused by the laser beam.

  • What İs A Sitting Bath?

Sitting bath is a method that is mostly done with sitting in warm water after toilet and to relieve swollen, aching or itchy breasts.

  • Is İt Recommended For All Those With Hemorrhoids?

Although it does not work in all patients, it is not safe to do it outside of pregnancy.

  • How Soon Should The Sitting Bath Be Done?

It is recommended 2 times a day or after toilet.

  • How Long Should The Sitting Bath Be Done?

10 -15 minutes is enough.


What is Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids)? Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment

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