What is Uveitis? How is it treated?
Uveal is a Gel-like material located in the center of the eyeball around the third layer that contains the dressings as a cover. Uvea “uveitis” inflammation is the disease caused by the previously formed layer.
Inflammation of the retina or gel inside the eye is also called uveitis. Uveitis is manifested by blood in the eyes, eye pain, and blurred vision. The complaints can get worse quickly. It can affect both eyes.
Uvea is considered to be a distinct specialty. The diagnosis and treatment of the disease associated with uveal, immunology and genetic advances are supported by the increasing scientific progress in this field.
Early diagnosis of uveitis is very important, as it can lead to vision loss if left untreated. It is important to be diagnosed early and follow up regularly afterwards. When these conditions are met, the eye can heal.
After treatment, the patient should be followed for at least three months. The disease can recur. Therefore, controls should not be interrupted. Information about the different symptoms related to other organs is essential for eye treatment. As well as rheumatic symptoms.
Uveitis is an extremely complex disease. Each patient can follow a different treatment process. The dosage for treatment should be determined by a qualified and experienced physician.