Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a body-contouring procedure that lifts and tightens the upper, inner and outer thigh by removing fat, and trimming excess skin.
Thigh lift surgery has become very popular these days due to the success of bariatric weight loss surgeries. While weight loss can be a momentous event in a person’s life, it can also create new challenges such as sagging skin and excessive wrinkling. We understand how important this surgery can be for a weight loss patient. During surgery, he creates beautiful results by removing excess fat and skin from the thighs, and lifting and reshaping the skin to create a smoother and tighter appearance. Individuals considering this surgery will need to be at or near their goal weight.
During The Surgery
A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. It may be performed with other body contouring procedures such as an arm or breast lift. However, there is a limit to how many procedures can be performed at once safely. There are several techniques used for a thigh lift, but the technique used depends on the excess skin, and whether there is vertical or circumferential laxity. When there is strictly vertical excess, the scar is concealed in the groin crease. When there is circumferential excess of skin, a vertical scar is placed at the most inner part of the upper leg.
Dressings are typically applied over the incisions and carefully wrapped in a supportive bandage. There are typically no sutures to remove because there are multiple layers of self-absorbing sutures below the skin. Small, outside suture tails are trimmed within 4 to 7 days. Strenuous activity and heavy lifting will need to be avoided for about 2 months. It can take a few months for swelling to clear up.
Combine With Other Procedures?
The thigh lift is often combined with other body contouring procedures such as a breast or arm lift. However, there is a limit to how many procedures can be done safely as it relates to surgical recovery and the amount of time the surgery takes.
When Can I Go Back To Work?
Every person recovers differently. The recovery period depends on how many procedures were performed at the same time. The average return to work for the standard thigh lift is 2-3 weeks.
When Can I Exercise Again?
The average return to routine lower body exercise is no sooner than 2 months. Post-operative swelling usually persists for several months after thigh lift surgery.
Thigh Lift Or Liposuction?
If excess skin is the problem, and not excess fat, a thigh lift is the better option. Patients who are good candidates for a thigh lift usually have stretched out skin that cannot retract after liposuction. If liposuction is performed in this case, there would only be more excess loose skin.