Face Lifting with Threads Hanger

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Face Lifting with Threads Hanger

Face Lifting with Threads Hanger , It is often preferred for threads applications in the treatment of face lift  without surgery. Over time the variety of used thread and new application techniques are being developed. It is the greatest expectation that the results in this development process are successful, that is to say that the surgery is closed and that it is long life.


The threads used are permanent and as a result stay in place for up to 4 – 6 year. Because flexible threads are used, there is no risk of them breaking or changing a person’s gestures. The threads hold the face in a strong yet kind way.


Threads hanger method doesn’t need to be performed in an operating theatre, and lasts for approximately 30 minutes. Thanks to the use of local anaesthetic it is a comfortable procedure for the patient. Special elastic needles integrated in the threads reduce the possibility of damage being caused to the skin to a level low enough to be described.

Patients who choose to have this procedure can return to their normal lives a few days after it is performed. Some swelling and a few needle entry sites will be visible. These signs will reduce within a week and generally it is not noticeable that a procedure has been carried out. Tension may be felt where the threads are during sudden movements and jaw movements. These generally disappear from the 2nd week after the operation.

We do not recommend movements that require superfluous boarding, eating hard food such as apple-crusted foods, exaggerated mimic movements, or opening the jaw too much for 1 month after the operation.

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