Masseter Filler


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Masseter Filler

Masseter muscle is one of those muscles that are activated during chewing. This muscle disrupts the quality of life of those who clench their teeth at night. The fastest and most practical solution is the Filler procedure to be applied to that muscle.

Before application, anesthetic cream is applied. It is waited for 15 minutes. Later, Filler application can be started. The application ends in a short time such as 15 minutes on average.

The effect begins to be seen 4 to 5 days after the procedure. It takes 2 weeks for the maximum effect to emerge . Filler has an average validity of 5 to 7 months. It can be repeated if required. Generally, it was observed that all problems disappeared after 2 sets.

Why This Muscle Grow?

Certain personal habits can cause this muscle to grow.

  • Chewing too much gum
  • Clenching your teeth during the day due to stress
  • Eating very hard foods

What problems does Masseter Filler prevent?

  • Teeth grinding.
  • To prevent tooth fractures and tooth damage
  • To eliminate the bad appearance of the face due to strong masseter muscle
  • Toothache and headache that occur when we wake up in the morning.
  • Converting the square-shaped facial lines into a V-shape. In this way, a more aesthetic appearance is obtained.


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