Heart Rhythm Disorder

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Heart Rhythm Disorder

Heart palpitations can be the result of excitement, stress, running fast or excessive caffeine consumption, as well as a symptom of a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia). The dangerous situation of heart palpitations should be determined by cardiologists.

What is Heart Palpitations?

You can say “I have a heart beat” when your heartbeat is felt faster than normal or uncomfortable. In heart palpitations (tachycardia), which is seen as an increase in heart rate from the upper limit of 100 to values ​​above 140, you should consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible.

What Causes Heart Palpitations?

Heart rate above 140 per minute is called heart palpitations. An echo test is done to determine the causes and to find out if you have anemia. Thyroid tests and blood tests should also be done. With these tests, it can be understood whether there is heart palpitations. There may be a heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmic tachycardia) due to excitement, stress, running fast or excessive caffeine consumption.

The use of 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) method is of great importance in determining the nature of heart palpitations. When a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmic tachycardia) is detected, it is also very important to carry out an electrophysiological study in which the electrical activities of the heart are controlled for further treatment. In advanced treatment, the heart palpitations (arrhythmic tachycardia) should be created in a laboratory environment and it should be understood where it originates and how it occurs.

Heart Palpitations Treatment

  • The first answer to the question ” How is heart palpitations (arrhythmic tachycardia) treated? ” Can be answered as the destruction of the abnormal heart tissue that creates this condition.
  • This method of treatment is called Ablation. Ablation, which is very important in the treatment of heart palpitations, can be done with the help of long thin instruments called catheters.
  • It is advanced into the heart through the groin with the catheter. The location of the catheter in the heart can be monitored with the help of x rays (fluoroscopy).
  •  By connecting the tip of the catheter to the recording device, intra-cardiac ECG records are taken and the research and the palpitations are found.
  • Then, with the help of a catheter, this area is destroyed by giving radio frequency energy and thus the responsible focus is removed.
  • More than 90% success can be achieved in most of the rhythm disorders with the ablation method.
  • With this method, heart palpitations are eliminated and patients are saved from using drugs for life.

What are the Symptoms of Arrhythmia?

  • The most common symptom of arrhythmia is palpitations. In addition, the sensation of misfire, irregular feeling of heartbeats, dizziness, blackout, annoyance, chest distress, pressure or pain, loss of consciousness expressed as “syncope” are among the common symptoms.
  • When one or more of these symptoms occur, rhythm disorder should be suspected and the relevant specialist should be consulted.
  • As soon as you feel such changes in your heart, you should immediately go to the nearest health facility and have a heart electrode.
  • In this way, the type of arrhythmia can be determined and thus the most appropriate treatment method can be selected.
  •  However, if electrocardiography could not be obtained during heart palpitations, a “Holter” rhythm showing the heart rhythm in a certain period of time can be made.

What are the Causes of Heart Rhythm Disorder?

  • Some drugs used in the treatment of asthma and cold, tea, coffee and stress have a triggering effect on the heart rhythm disturbance in individuals with an arrhythmia predisposition.
  •  If the person has a genetic predisposition, arrhythmia can also occur when experiencing great sadness or stress.
  • Arrhythmia with advanced heart failure and cardiovascular diseases may even cause death.

Lifestyle affects arrhythmia.

According to this;

  • Life style of the person is effective on heart rhythm. Factors such as eating habits, sleep patterns, active or sedentary life can trigger rhythm disturbance.
  • The consumption of energy drinks can cause severe rhythm disturbances. However, this is a temporary situation.
  •  Electrolyte imbalance conditions; It is caused by the deterioration of the levels of elements such as sodium, potassium and magnesium in the blood and causes rhythm disturbance. When the electrolyte balance is achieved, the problem of rhythm disorder will also disappear.
  • From the age of 6, directing our children to a sports branch is very important for a healthy life. Those who will start sports at an advanced age should choose a branch suitable for themselves and their age. Exercising an hour a day is very important in terms of regulating the heart rhythm. Walking and swimming in particular are among the best sports for heart rhythm.
  •  All risks that can lead to heart disease are also a risk for arrhythmias. Fat deposits around the belly and waist, hypertension, obesity, coronary vascular problems are the most common causes of arrhythmia. Waist circumference exceeding 102 centimeters in men and 88 centimeters in women poses a significant risk of triggering heart diseases and arrhythmias.
  •  Hypertension is one of the most common causes of arrhythmia. In addition to this, coronary heart diseases, cholesterol and high sugar can also cause important heart diseases such as rhythm disorder; Elimination of these risks will also eliminate the problem of arrhythmia.

How Is Heart Rhythm Disorder Treated?

Arrhythmia can be controlled with medication and interventional therapy. In cases where drug therapy is not successful, rhythm disorder is treated with an interventional application called “radiofrequency ablation”, made from the leg vein or sometimes the leg artery. The success rate of this method varies from 70% to 99%. The aim here is to eliminate the mechanism or focus that causes palpitation by using radiofrequency energy.


Rhythm Disorder

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